Content: 99.0 per cent to 101.0 per cent.
Appearance: Blue, crystalline powder or transparent, blue crystals.
Solubility: Freely soluble in water, soluble in methanol, practically
insoluble in ethanol (96 per cent).
A. Add several drops of dilute ammonia to 1 ml of solution S (see Tests). A blue
precipitate is formed. On further addition of dilute ammonia the precipitate
dissolves and a dark blue colour is produced.
B. Loss on drying (see Tests).
C. Dilute 1 ml of solution S to 5 ml with water. The solution gives reaction of
Solution S: Dissolve 5 g in water and dilute to 100 ml with the same
Appearance of solution: Solution S is clear.
Chlorides: Maximum 100 ppm.
Iron: Maximum 1.00 × 102 ppm.
Atomic absorption spectrometry: To meet the requirement.
Lead: Maximum 50.0 ppm.
Loss on drying: 35.0 per cent to 36.5 per cent, determined on 0.500 g by
drying in an oven at 250 ± 10C.
Identification: A solution (1 in 10) responds to the tests for Copper and for
Loss on drying: Dry it at 250 to constant weight: it loses between 33.0% and
36.5% of its weight.
Limit of sodium: The limit is 0.02%.
Limit of potassium: The limit is 0.01%.
Limit of calcium: The limit is 0.005%.
Limit of iron: The limit is 0.003%.
Limit of nickel: The limit is 0.005%.
Content: 99.0 per cent to 101.0 per cent.
Appearance: Blue, crystalline powder or transparent, blue crystals.
Solubility: Freely soluble in water, soluble in methanol, practically
insoluble in ethanol (96 per cent).
A. Add several drops of dilute ammonia to 1 ml of solution S (see Tests). A blue
precipitate is formed. On further addition of dilute ammonia the precipitate
dissolves and a dark blue colour is produced.
B. Loss on drying (see Tests).
C. Dilute 1 ml of solution S to 5 ml with water. The solution gives reaction of
Solution S: Dissolve 5 g in water and dilute to 100 ml with the same
Appearance of solution: Solution S is clear.
Chlorides: Maximum 100 ppm.
Iron: Maximum 1.00 × 102 ppm.
Atomic absorption spectrometry: To meet the requirement.
Lead: Maximum 50.0 ppm.
Loss on drying: 35.0 per cent to 36.5 per cent, determined on 0.500 g by
drying in an oven at 250 ± 10C.
Copper Sulfate occurs as blue crystals, crystalline granules, or powder. It
effloresces slowly in dry air and is freely soluble in water, soluble in glycerin,
and slightly soluble in alcohol.
Function: Nutrient.
Identification: A 1:20 solution gives positive tests for Copper and for
Assay: Not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% of CuSO4·5H2O.
Iron: Not more than 0.01%.
Lead: Not more than 4 mg/kg.
Substances Not Precipitated by Hydrogen Sulfide: Not more than 0.3%.