C18H34O2 -- 282.5 -- 112-80-1
Action and use: Excipient.
Ph Eur
(Z)-Octadec-9-enoic acid (C18H34O2; Mr 282.5), together with varying amounts of
saturated and other unsaturated fatty acids. A suitable antioxidant may be
Content: 65.0 per cent to 88.0 per cent of C18H34O2.
Appearance: Clear, yellowish or brownish, oily liquid.
Solubility: Practically insoluble in water, miscible with alcohol and with
methylene chloride.
Relative density: About 0.892.
A. It complies with the test for acid value (see Tests).
B. It complies with the test for iodine value (see Tests).
C. It complies with the test for composition of fatty acids (see Tests).
Margaric acid: Maximum 0.2 per cent for oleic acid of vegetable origin and
maximum 4.0 per cent for oleic acid of animal origin.
Appearance: The substance to be examined is not more intensely coloured than
reference solution.
Acid value: 195 to 204, determined on 0.5 g.
Iodine value: 89 to 105.
Peroxide value: Maximum 10.0.
Composition of fatty acids by Gas chromatography:
myristic acid: maximum 5.0 per cent;
palmitic acid : maximum 16.0 per cent;
palmitoleic acid : maximum 8.0 per cent;
stearic acid : maximum 6.0 per cent;
oleic acid : 65.0 per cent to 88.0 per cent;
linoleic acid : maximum 18.0 per cent;
linolenic acid : maximum 4.0 per cent;
fatty acids of chain length greater than C18: maximum 4.0 per cent.
Total ash: Maximum 0.1 per cent, determined on 2.00 g.