KI -- Mol. Wt. 166.00
Description: Colourless crystals or white powder; odourless
Solubility: Very soluble in water; freely soluble in glycerin; soluble in
ethanol (95%).
Potassium Iodide contains not less than 99.0 per cent and not more than
100.5 per cent of KI, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
Identification: A 10% w/v solution in carbon dioxide-free water (solution A)
gives the reactions of potassium salts and of iodides.
Alkalinity: To 10 ml of solution A add 0.2 ml of 0.01M sulphuric acid; no
colour is produced on addition of a drop of phenolphthalein solution. .
Clarity and colour of solution: Solution A is clear and colourless.
Arsenic: Dissolve 5.0 g in 50 ml of 'water and 12 ml of stannated
hydrochloric acid AsT. The resulting solution complies with the limit test for
arsenic (2 ppm).
Heavy metals: Not more than 10 ppm, determined on 2.0 g
Iron: Solution A complies with the limit lest for iron (20 ppm).
Barium: Dissolve 0.5 g in 10 ml of water and add 1 ml of dilute sulphuric
acid; no turbidity develops within one minute.
Potassium Iodate BP
KIO3 -- 214.0 -- CAS 7758-05-6
Potassium Iodate contains not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.0% of
KIO3, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
A white crystalline powder.
Slowly soluble in water; insoluble in ethanol (96%).
Dissolve 10 g of the substance being examined in sufficient water to produce 200 ml
(solution S1).
Add 25 ml of hydrochloric acid to 6 g of the substance being examined, evaporate to
dryness and repeat. Heat until iodine is removed. Dissolve the residue in 2.5 ml of
a 25% v/v solution of hydrochloric acid and dilute to 50 ml with water (solution
A. 1 ml of solution S1 yields reaction B characteristic of potassium
B. Dissolve 0.1 g in 5 ml of water. Add 1 ml of silver nitrate solution followed by
1 ml of sulphur dioxide solution. A yellow precipitate is produced immediately.
Acidity or alkalinity: pH of solution S1, 5.0 to 8.0.
Clarity and colour of solution: Solution S1 is clear and colourless.
Chloride, chlorate, bromide, bromate: Dilute 5 ml of solution S1 to 15 ml
with water, add 20 ml of sulphur dioxide solution and heat on a water bath for 30
minutes. Heat to boiling, cool, add 10 ml of 18M ammonia and 20 ml of silver nitrate
solution R2 and dilute to 70 ml with water. Filter, transfer 35 ml of the filtrate
to a Nessler cylinder and acidify with 6 ml of nitric acid . After 5 minutes, any
opalescence, when viewed vertically, is not greater than that produced by treating 5
ml of a 0.00165% w/v solution of sodium chloride at the same time and in the same
manner (0.02%).
Iodide: Add 1 ml of 1.8M sulphuric acid to 25 ml of solution S1 and shake
with 1 ml of chloroform. Any violet colour produced is not more intense than that of
a solution prepared at the same time and in the same manner but using 5 ml of
solution S1 and 2 ml of iodide standard solution (10 ppm I) (20 ppm).
Sulphate: Add 1 ml of a 25% w/v solution of barium chloride to 1.5 ml of
sulphate standard solution (10 ppm SO4), shake and allow to stand for 1 minute. Add
12.5 ml of solution S2 diluted to 15 ml with distilled water and 0.5 ml of 5M acetic
acid and allow to stand for 5 minutes. Any opalescence produced is not more intense
than that of a standard prepared in the same manner but using 7.5 ml of sulphate
standard solution (10 ppm SO4) diluted to 15 ml with distilled water in place of the
solution being examined (50 ppm).
Heavy metals: Adjust the pH of 20 ml of solution S2 to about 5 with 5M
ammonia. The solution complies with limit test A for heavy metals, Appendix VII. Use
10 ml of lead standard solution (2 ppm Pb) to prepare the standard (20 ppm).
Loss on drying: When dried at 130° for 1 hour, loses not more than 0.5% of
its weight. Use 1 g.
Potassium Iodide USP
KI -- 166.00
Potassium iodide -- [CAS 7681-11-0]
Potassium Iodide contains not less than 99.0 percent and not more than 101.5 percent of KI, calculated on the dried basis.
Identification: A solution of it meets the requirements of the tests for
Potassium and for Iodide.
Alkalinity: Dissolve 1.0 g in 10 mL of water, and add 0.1 mL of 0.1 N
sulfuric acid and 1 drop of phenolphthalein TS: no color is produced.
Loss on drying: Dry it at 105C for 4 hours: it loses not more than 1.0% of
its weight.
Iodate: Dissolve 1.1 g in sufficient ammonia- and carbon dioxide-free water
to obtain 10 mL of solution, and transfer to a color-comparison tube. Add 1 mL of
starch TS and 0.25 mL of 1.0 N sulfuric acid, mix, and compare the color with that
of a control containing, in a similar volume, 100 mg of Potassium Iodide, 1 mL of
standard iodate solution [prepare by diluting 1 mL of potassium iodate solution (1
in 2500) with water to 100 mL], 1 mL of starch TS, and 0.25 mL of 1.0 N sulfuric
acid. Any color produced in the solution of the test specimen does not exceed that
in the control: not more than 4 µg per g is found.
Limit of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia: To a solution of 1 g in 5 mL of water
contained in a test tube of about 40-mL capacity add 5 mL of 1 N sodium hydroxide
and about 200 mg of aluminum wire. Insert a pledget of purified cotton in the upper
portion of the test tube, and place a piece of moistened red litmus paper over the
mouth of the tube. Heat the test tube and its contents in a steam bath for 15
minutes: no blue coloration of the paper is discernible.
Thiosulfate and barium: Dissolve 0.5 g in 10 mL of ammonia- and carbon
dioxide-free water, and add 2 drops of 2 N sulfuric acid: no turbidity develops
within 1 minute.
Heavy metals: Dissolve 2.0 g in 25 mL of water: the limit is 0.001%.
Potassium Iodide BP (Ph Eur monograph 0186)
KI -- 166.0 -- 7681-11-0
Content: 99.0 per cent to 100.5 per cent (dried substance).
Appearance: White or almost white powder or colourless crystals.
Solubility: Very soluble in water, freely soluble in glycerol, soluble in
ethanol (96 per cent).
A. Solution S (see Tests) gives the reactions of iodides (2.3.1).
B. Solution S gives the reactions of potassium (2.3.1).
Solution S: Dissolve 10.0 g in carbon dioxide-free water R prepared from
distilled water R and dilute to 100 ml with the same solvent.
Appearance of solution: Solution S is clear and colourless.
Alkalinity: To 12.5 ml of solution S add 0.1 ml of bromothymol blue solution
R1. Not more than 0.5 ml of 0.01 M hydrochloric acid is required to change the
colour of the indicator.
Iodates: To 10 ml of solution S add 0.25 ml of iodide-free starch solution R
and 0.2 ml of dilute sulphuric acid R and allow to stand protected from light for 2
minutes. No blue colour develops.
Sulphates: Maximum 150 ppm.
Dilute 10 ml of solution S to 15 ml with distilled water R.
Thiosulphates: To 10 ml of solution S add 0.1 ml of starch solution R and
0.1 ml of 0.005 M iodine. A blue colour is produced.
Iron: Maximum 20 ppm.
Dilute 5 ml of solution S to 10 ml with water R.
Heavy metals: Maximum 10 ppm.
12 ml of solution S complies with test A. Prepare the reference solution using lead
standard solution (1 ppm Pb) R.
Loss on drying: Maximum 1.0 per cent, determined on 1.00 g of previously
powdered substance by drying in an oven at 105C for 3 h.
Potassium Iodide FCC Food Grade
KI Formula wt 166.00
CAS: [7681-11-0]
Potassium Iodide occurs as hexahedral crystals, either transparent and
colorless or somewhat opaque and white, or as a white, granular powder. It is
stable in dry air but slightly hygroscopic in moist air. One gram is soluble in
0.7 mL of water at 25°, in 0.5 mL of boiling water, in 2 mL of glycerin, and in
22 mL of alcohol.
Function: Nutrient.
A. A 1:10 aqueous solution responds to the tests for Potassium and for
B. The pH of a 1:20 aqueous solution is between 6 and 10.
Assay: Not less than 99.0% and not more than 101.5% of KI after
Iodate: Not more than 4 mg/kg.
Lead: Not more than 4 mg/kg.
Loss on Drying: Not more than 1%.
Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia: Passes test.
Thiosulfate and Barium: Passes test.