Xanthan Gum BP Grade
Ph Eur
Action and use: Excipient.
High-molecular-mass anionic polysaccharide produced by fermentation of carbohydrates
with Xanthomonas campestris.
Xanthan gum has a relative molecular mass of approximately 1 × 106. It exists as
the sodium, potassium or calcium salt.
Content: Minimum 1.5 per cent of pyruvoyl groups (C3H3O2; Mr 71.1) (dried
Appearance: White or yellowish-white, free-flowing powder.
Solubility: Soluble in water giving a highly viscous solution, practically
insoluble in organic solvents.
A. In a flask, suspend 1 g in 15 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid . Close the flask
with a fermentation bulb containing barium hydroxide solution and heat carefully for
5 min. The barium hydroxide solution shows a white turbidity.
B. To 300 ml of water, previously heated to 80C and stirred rapidly with a
mechanical stirrer in a 400 ml beaker, add, at the point of maximum agitation, a dry
blend of 1.5 g of carob bean gum and 1.5 g of the substance to be examined. Stir
until the mixture forms a solution, and then continue stirring for 30 min or longer.
Do not allow the water temperature to drop below 60 °C during stirring. Discontinue
stirring and allow the mixture to stand for at least 2 h. A firm rubbery gel forms
after the temperature drops below 40C but no such gel forms in a 1 per cent control
solution of the sample prepared in the same manner but omitting the carob bean gum.
pH: 6.0 to 8.0 for a 10.0 g/l solution.
Viscosity: Minimum 600 mPa·s.
2-Propanol: To pass Gas chromatography test. Limit 2-propanol: maximum 750
Other polysaccharides: To pass Thin-layer chromatography test.
Loss on drying: Maximum 15.0 per cent, determined on 1.000 g by drying in an
oven at 105 °C for 2.5 h.
Total ash: 6.5 per cent to 16.0 per cent.
Microbial contamination: Total viable aerobic count not more than 103
bacteria and 102 fungi per gram, determined by plate count. It complies with the
test for Escherichia coli.
Xanthan Gum USP NF Grade
Xanthan Gum is a high molecular weight polysaccharide gum produced by a pure-culture
fermentation of a carbohydrate with Xanthomonas campestris, then purified by
recovery with Isopropyl Alcohol, dried, and milled. It contains Dglucose and
D-mannose as the dominant hexose units, along with D-glucuronic acid, and is
prepared as the sodium, potassium, or calcium salt. It yields not less than 4.2
percent and not more than 5.0 percent of carbon dioxide, calculated on the dried
basis, corresponding to not less than 91.0 percent and not more than 108.0 percent
of Xanthan Gum.
Identification: To 300 mL of water in a 400-mL beaker, previously heated to
80 and stirred rapidly by mechanical means, add, at the point of maximum agitation,
a dry blend of 1.5 g of Xanthan Gum and 1.5 g of locust bean gum. Stir until the
mixture dissolves, and then continue stirring for 30 minutes longer. Do not allow
the temperature of the mixture to drop below 60 during the stirring. Discontinue
stirring, and allow the mixture to cool at room temperature for not less than 2
hours: a firm, rubbery gel forms after the temperature drops below 40 , but no such
gel forms in a control solution prepared in the same manner with 3.0 g of Xanthan
Gum and without locust bean gum.
Viscosity: Place 250 mL of water in a 400-mL beaker, and add a dry blend of
3.0 g of Xanthan Gum and 3.0 g of potassium chloride slowly while stirring at 800
rpm, using a low-pitched propeller-type stirrer. Add an additional quantity of 44 mL
of water, rinsing the walls of the beaker. Approximately 10 minutes after the
addition of the dry blend of Xanthan Gum and the potassium chloride to the water,
remove the beaker from the propeller-type stirrer, and vigorously stir the solution
by hand to ensure that all the particles around the edge of the beaker are in
solution. Return the beaker to the stirrer, and agitate at 800 rpm for a total
mixing time of 2 hours. Then adjust the temperature to 24 ± 1C, and stir by hand in
a vertical motion to eliminate any thixotropic effects or layering.
[NOTE—Each hand mixing should be not more than 15 to 30 seconds, and the last hand
mixing should occur immediately prior to measuring the viscosity.] Equip a suitable
rotational viscosimeter with a spindle having a cylinder 1.27 cm in diameter and
0.16 cm high attached to a shaft 0.32 cm in diameter, the distance from the top of
the cylinder to the lower tip of the shaft being 2.54 cm, and the immersion depth
being 5.00 cm (No. 3 spindle). With the spindle rotating at 60 rpm, immediately
observe and record the scale reading. Convert the scale readings to centipoise by
multiplying the readings by the constant for the viscosimeter spindle and speed
employed. The viscosity at 24 is not less than 600 centipoise.
Microbial limits: It meets the requirements of the tests for Salmonella
species and Escherichia coli.
Loss on drying: Dry it at 105 for 2.5 hours: it loses not more than 15.0% of
its weight.
Ash: Accurately weigh about 3 g in a tared crucible, and incinerate at about
650 until free from carbon. Cool the crucible and its contents in a desiccator, and
weigh: the weight of the ash is between 6.5% and 16.0%, calculated on the dried
Arsenic: 3 ug per g.
Lead: the limit is 5 @g per g.
Heavy metals: The limit is 0.003%.
Limit of isopropyl alcohol: To pass the test, not more than 0.075% is found.
Xanthan Gum FCC Food Grade
INS: 415 CAS: [11138-66-2]
Xanthan Gum occurs as a cream colored powder. It is a high-molecular-weight
polysaccharide gum produced by a pureculture fermentation of a carbohydrate with
Xanthomonas campestris, purified by recovery with isopropyl alcohol, dried, and
milled. It contains D-glucose and D-mannose as the dominant
hexose units, along with D-glucuronic acid and pyruvic acid, and it is prepared as
the sodium, potassium, or calcium salt. It is readily soluble in hot or cold water,
but it is insoluble in alcohol. Its solutions are neutral.
Function: Stabilizer; thickener; emulsifier; suspending agent; bodying agent;
foam enhancer.
Identification: Transfer 300 mL of water, previously heated to 80°, into a
400-mL beaker and stir rapidly with a mechanical stirrer. At the point of maximum
agitation, add a dry blend of 1.5 g of sample and 1.5 g of locust bean gum. Stir
until the mixture goes into solution, and then continue stirring for 30 min longer.
Do not allow the water temperature to drop below 60°. Discontinue stirring, and
allow the mixture to cool at room temperature for at least 2 h. A firm, rubbery gel
forms after the temperature of the mixture drops below 40°. No such gel forms in a
1% control solution of sample prepared in the same manner but omitting the locust
bean gum.
Assay: A sample yields, on the dried basis, not less than 4.2% and not more
than 5.4% of carbon dioxide (CO2), corresponding to between 91.0% and 117.0% of
Xanthan Gum.
Isopropyl Alcohol: Not more than 0.075%.
Lead: Not more than 2 mg/kg.
Loss on Drying: Not more than 15.0%.
Pyruvic Acid: Not less than 1.5%.
Viscosity: Passes test.